.FIND THE JOKER!!! - Can you find the joker and win the jackpot.
ENTRY FEE - £1 per entry.
If your name and number is drawn and joker is not found you still win a prize:
£15 for Playing card;
£20 for Face card;
£25 for Ace.
*** 1. Check the picture of the Joker board to see what cards remain and take note of your selection. Remaining numbers can be viewed by visiting this link -https://www.scrabogolfclubni.com/noticeboard/
*** 2. When you click on the link to enter you will be asked to select the quantity of entries you wish to submit. Enter number of entries and click 'add to basket'. Once you are happy with the quantity click on "Checkout".
*** 3. Complete the form providing the required details including contact number.
*** 4. In the "Additional Information" section please enter your chosen numbered cards, separating each number with a comma.
*** 5. Complete the payment process.
*** 6. Once payment has been confirmed your chosen numbers will be entered into the draw.
The weekly draw will be performed by Wednesday of each week at the Golf Club. Prize winners will be announced on Wednesday evenings.
Good Luck!!! ******REMAINING CARDS - https://www.scrabogolfclubni.com/noticeboard/*******
Social membership package now available
After many months of deliberation and much research into the archives we can now confirm that Mr Andrew McCormick has been named as the new course record holder, shooting a score of 64 gross round the Scrabo Hills back in the early 2000s. Well done to Andrew. We have also provided an extract of an article written by the late William Caughey which also records the fabulous score taking place.
Scrabo Golf Club
233 Scrabo Road, Newtownards
Co.Down, BT23 4SL
Tel: +44(0) 28 9181 2355 | Email: admin@scrabogc.co.uk