Scrabo Golf Club receive Women in Golf charter award at Golf Ireland HQ

Scrabo Golf Club were delighted to visit Golf Ireland HQ to receive their Gold Standard award during the Women In Golf Charter presentation on Thursday 29th August 2024.


The awards were the successful culmination of up to three years of hard work for most golf clubs in delivering equality for women in golf across multiple areas, equal access to timesheets, representation on committees and more. These clubs are at the vanguard of change in delivering gender equality in golf and Ireland, and Golf Ireland were delighted to be able to reward our efforts.



The "Women in Golf Charter" by Golf Ireland is a key initiative aimed at promoting gender equality and encouraging female participation at all levels within the sport. This charter is part of a broader global movement driven by the R&A (The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews) to create a more inclusive environment in golf, a sport traditionally dominated by men.


By aligning with the charter, Golf Ireland demonstrates its commitment to breaking down barriers, providing equal opportunities, and fostering an environment where women and girls can thrive both on and off the course.


A core focus of the Women in Golf Charter is increasing female representation in various roles within the sport, including leadership, coaching, and officiating. The charter encourages golf clubs and organisations to actively promote women in these positions, ensuring they have a voice in decision-making processes. This not only supports gender diversity but also helps in creating a more balanced and inclusive golfing community.


Furthermore, the charter emphasises the importance of addressing and challenging gender stereotypes within the sport. Golf Ireland, through its charter, advocates for the creation of more female-friendly facilities and policies that cater specifically to the needs of women golfers. This includes flexible playing options, female-specific events, and promoting a welcoming atmosphere that encourages women of all ages and skill levels to participate.


In addition to these structural changes, the Women in Golf Charter also highlights the need for educational and awareness campaigns aimed at both men and women within the golfing community. These initiatives are designed to promote mutual respect and understanding, ultimately contributing to a culture that values diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the game. Through this charter, Golf Ireland is not only working to increase female participation but is also setting a standard for what modern, equitable golf should look like.